Idenfy is used for an amount of time. Atleast one year.

Idenfy themself state that they delete the data right after verification.

See here

However… that is all payed for by the LIRs. It would there for be nice to integrate it in a way, that the LIRs could use the information for their contract themself. As in we can get access to the result to fulfill the standard agreement.

It’s a waste of resources to require an identification from the LIR just to then do another one.
On 25. Apr 2024, at 17:19, Clement Cavadore via members-discuss <> wrote:

Dear all,

I, as LIR, have received requests from RIPE NCC, as they are running a
project to verify all the resource holders registered with them, to
check the ID of some of our end users (natural persons). We have been
provided links to a third party organization which (I think) runs ID
check on behalf of RIPE NCC. 

The URL for those check is<something>.

The fact is that:
- We do not have any information regarding how those sensitive
documents are processed (and stored ?)
- the URL is hosted bedhind an AWS URL, and this is not really an
acceptable solution for RGPD.

Could we please have more infos on this ?

Thanks in advance

Clément Cavadore

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