The Dutch government recognizes the following international organizations


Almost all countries have a concept of international organization, which is not to be confused with associations and corporate entities, with their own criteria on what they wish to recognize and invite to their country. Usually, these organizations exist in a country because the host government is part of them one way or another (UN, NATO, ICJ, etc.) and the privileges extended of course depend on the treaty between the organization and the host country itself.






From: members-discuss <> On Behalf Of Elvis Daniel Velea
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2022 13:31
To: Sander Steffann <>
Cc: Christian Kaufmann <>;
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] NRO letter to Mauritian Government


Hi Sander,


On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 02:33 Sander Steffann <> wrote:

Hi Elvis,

> if you and the Board were so keen on transparency and discussion, you would have brought the letter to the community for feedback prior to signing it.

I have to take it up for the board and Hans Petter here. What you suggest would be unworkable. That would imply that the RIPE NCC couldn’t operate independently anymore and would be micro managed by its members. That is also not ok.


this situation is not something unforeseen. this whole AfriNIC issue has been brewing up for years… this letter could have been discussed before it became an emergency


on the other hand, the letter, the tone, what it suggests… that is a big thing that may ruin reputation worked and fought for decades.


Question for CK and HPH: Is there such a thing as an ‘International Organization’ in the Dutch Law? Has the RIPE NCC requested such status for itself before asking it for another RIR?








PS: I still think I am in a simulation or a dream. This text should not have been written, corrected, approved, signed. Never ever! What right does the NRO have to speak on behalf of the ‘African regional community’ on such harsh terms?


‘It would be very unfortunate for the African regional community if the above situation proves that the designation of Mauritius as the place to locate AFRINIC has been wrong.’




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