On 16 Apr 2024, at 13:04, Firma KOMPEX <gabi@kompex.pl> wrote:

Of course the people at RIPE made mistakes.

May I remind you that address policy is decided in the working group of the same name, by the RIPE Community and not the RIPE NCC? RIPE Community is all of us, you included.

RIPE NCC implements the policies the Community decides.

In the old days they issued /8, /12, /14, /16, /18, /20 without any justification and demand for IP addresses.

If you refer to the days before RIPE policies, then looking back from today, yes some assignments were quite generous, because it wasn’t envisioned that the Internet would become what it is today.

But as long as I can remember (and I’m not the youngest anymore!), policies were always there, and no, getting IP addresses was _not_ free beer for all.

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