Hi all, I also support this model, regardless of number of resources that we have. It is a fair model for everyone. Med venlig hilsen / Best regards Kim Lars Jakobsen It-afdelingen Dr. Neergaards Vej 5F DK-2970 Hørsholm Telefon: 70 20 23 34 Fax: 70 20 23 74 www.itafdelingen.net - klj@itafdelingen.net -----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: members-discuss-admin@ripe.net [mailto:members-discuss-admin@ripe.net] På vegne af Marcel Edler (Optimate-Server.de) Sendt: 2. august 2011 23:14 Til: members-discuss@ripe.net Emne: [members-discuss] idea Christian 'wiwi' Wittenhorst Hello Christian 'wiwi' Wittenhorst, this idea sounds great and should be fair for all members: /22 EUR 502 /21 EUR 904 /20 EUR 1308 /19 EUR 1716 /18 EUR 2132 /17 EUR 2565 /16 EUR 3031 /15 EUR 3562 /14 EUR 4224 /13 EUR 5148 /12 EUR 6597 /11 EUR 9094 /10 EUR 13688 /9 EUR 22477 /8 EUR 39654 In new charging scheme I have to pay 5000 Eur for 73.440IPs (1x/16,1x/19) like an ISP with 1.024.000 IPs (/12)! I pay 0,068 Euro for each IP. The ISP with 1.024.000IPs pays only 0,00488 Euro for each IP. I have to pay !!14!! times more than the other ISP! I prefer Christian's idea. Regards, Marcel Edler Geschäftsinhaber ---- If you don't want to receive mails from the RIPE NCC Members Discuss list, please log in to your LIR Portal account at: http://lirportal.ripe.net/ First click on General and then click on Edit. At the bottom of the page you can add or remove addresses.