SKYPE ... NO any ipv6 support On 7/26/2016 12:03 AM, Radu-Adrian Feurdean wrote:
On Mon, Jul 25, 2016, at 17:27, Gert Doering wrote:
So what's the largest IPv4 only site today (genuinely curious)? Twitter ? Amazon ? (neither .com nor .fr nor .de does not return AAAA) Random other e-commerce sites ?
I've heard "trustworthy rumors" that major CDNs are bringing IPv6 "real soon now" (Fastly, AWS), so if it's related to that, things should improve then... That also....
So why are your customers anyone else's problem? Because "anyone else" does include "big old players" that have comfortable amount of unused IPv4 space and take my customers when they ask "more IPv4 space", by providing them "free" /27 to /24. As previously explained on APWG, there's a competitive problem : some people are kindly suggesting that new players get out of the lucrative (money-making) markets.
-- Jivko Jelev General Manager ITNS Global - Bulgaria T/F +359 2 49 66 555 US/T +1 4044001713 M +359 88 5555122,+359 87 8553844 e-mail: