In the end, just counting IPv4 addresses seems a bit _too simple_ to me.
Yes. I had written a small rant about how many participants in this discussion seem to see RIPE purely as a source of IP addresses and that their only concern seems to be to minimize the "cost per address". This is obviously a bit narrow-minded. 1. The yearly charges for RIPE membership are a tiny fraction of even the smaller LIRs' annual spendings. Although I support choosing a fair charging scheme just like the next guy, I feel that my money is well spent with the RIPE membership. 2. As stated before, the database is a tiny fraction of what RIPE does. Apart from the obvious benefits, I think the political work of RIPE is an often-overlooked, but very important aspect. Gruß, --ck -- Filoo GmbH Christopher Kunz, Geschäftsführer Web: http://www.filoo.de/ E-Mail: chris@filoo.de Tel.: (+49) 0 52 48 / 1 89 84 -11 Fax: (+49) 0 52 48 / 1 89 84 -20 Please sign & encrypt mail wherever possible, my key: C882 8ED1 7DD1 9011 C088 EA50 5CFA 2EEB 397A CAC1 Moltkestraße 25a 33330 Gütersloh, Germany HRB4355, AG Gütersloh Geschäftsführer: S.Grewing, J.Rehpöhler, C.Kunz Folgen Sie uns auf Twitter: http://twitter.com/filoogmbh