
I didn't personally attack anyone. And all comments were answered by me.

Why do you keep spamming the list now ?


From: Stuart Willet (primary) <>
Sent: Friday, May 1, 2020 2:08 AM
To: Elad Cohen <>; Töma Gavrichenkov <>
Cc: <>; <>
Subject: RE: [members-discuss] [SPAM] Re: Technical solution to resolve Spoofed IP traffic, Spoofed amplification DDoS attacks, BGP&RIR hijacking, IoT botnet infections and Botnet C&Cs



You post an idea.

Members explain flaws with your idea and you accuse them of a personal attack.

You then go on to personally attack them.


Does your idiocy know no bounds?


Stuart Willet.


From: Elad Cohen []
Sent: 01 May 2020 00:05
To: Töma Gavrichenkov <>
Cc:; Stuart Willet (primary) <>;
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] [SPAM] Re: Technical solution to resolve Spoofed IP traffic, Spoofed amplification DDoS attacks, BGP&RIR hijacking, IoT botnet infections and Botnet C&Cs




Why do you keep to spam this list with personal attacks against me ?


All I did is to post a single post today with what I'm going to show in the near General Meeting for the members, now go to your corner and be quiet.




From: Töma Gavrichenkov <>
Sent: Friday, May 1, 2020 1:39 AM
To: Elad Cohen <>
Cc: <>; Stuart Willet (primary) <>; <>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] [SPAM] Re: Technical solution to resolve Spoofed IP traffic, Spoofed amplification DDoS attacks, BGP&RIR hijacking, IoT botnet infections and Botnet C&Cs



On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 1:14 AM Elad Cohen <> wrote:
> I agree with you, let us all keep with the ddos attacks and not resolve them.

This is showing *no* respect to the whole Internet community and all
the work that has been done in *years*, the literal person-years, if
not decades or centuries, invested into fighting and processing DDoS
attacks.  BGP flow specification, S/RTBH, Open Threat Signalling,
Manufacturer Usage Description, QUIC Initial Packet padding, to name a

The Internet community, and the RIPE community as a part of it, is not
*okay* with DDoS attacks.  A hard work is being done.

You haven't done your homework by analysing the history of the topic
before proposing what you have proposed.
