
Please let's stop with inflaming this subject and with the personal attacks. I have brokered the largest amount of transfers in RIPE region and all my customers have been happy with the services provided. Don't associate me with people that use fake contacts or seychelles companies. I'm in this business for almost 4 years and I have always been upfront, visible and attended all ripe meetings where anyone can see me and discuss with me.

If some competitor has a grudge against me, here is not the place to expose it. I have not done anything behind the back and if anyone has a problem with me or my business you can address me personally or whoever you may think would be an authority for your issue.

Probably some are disturbed by the single e-mail that I've sent, maybe more are disturbed by having to delete all these useless e-mails. I understand that some might not have something better to do on a Tuesday but let's not waste anymore of other people's time. 

Have a nice week,

On Tuesday, October 11, 2016, Marek Isalski <ripe-ncc-members-discussion@maz.nu> wrote:
> On 10 Oct 2016, at 20:22, Martin List-Petersen <martin@airwire.ie> wrote:
> The issue is, this is a constant thing. Not by this broker, but also by other brokers.

I'm amazed at how many "IP Brokers" offering "totally legitimate and trustworthy services" will hide behind incorporations in tax havens (seen spam from several that are "headquartered" at "managed postboxes" in e.g. Seychelles); or recently formed in jurisdictions where there is secrecy of directors and/or shareholders; or are incorporated at addresses that are clearly meant to be a dead-end (e.g. above a laundrette, or at a "company formations" company rather than an office or a director's personal address); and there's those that just can't file their paperwork on time and are about to be struck off the relevant register of companies.

Regardless of business practices - spamming or not spamming RIPE DB addresses, etc - due diligence looking at https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/08557028 would deeply trouble me were I considering using someone as a broker/escrow/agent/etc.

Marek Isalski
Technical Director, Faelix Limited, https://faelix.net/

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