
The cyber influence operation of "The Spamhaus Project" against me proceed...

I didn't accuse anyone with anything.

The simple facts are:

Regarding the fake media reports that were originated from "The Spamhaus Project" - the "source" of the fake media reports is a member of "The Spamhaus Project" and an employee of a direct business competitor that used the netblock and wanted to hurt their business competitor and also the owner of the criminal twitter account: and a master of cyber influence operations according to his own words in his criminal twitter account (meaning to create a fake story without a single proof), there is no a single proof in any of the fake media reports and there will never be.

Stuart, you can be sure that whenever I will see "The Spamhaus Project" doing injustice - I will stand up - even if more 100000000 fake media reports without a single proof will be written against me, "The Spamhaus Project" is an illegal anonymous organization - only because this organization is providing a massive amount of illegaly obtained privacy data that was extorted from internet companies such as hosting companies - and then providing it in illegal way (without any warrant) to law enforcement agencies - and by that helping the law enforcement agencies to do their work - the law enforcement agencies are ignoring all the complaints from many businesses worldwide regarding the criminal operation of "The Spamhaus Project".


From: Stuart Willet (primary) <>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 2:12 PM
To: Elad Cohen <>; Cynthia Revström <>; Sascha Luck [ml] <>
Cc: <>
Subject: RE: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails



I had not hear of you before the posts you made about IPv4+ and spam.

I have seen that you are very quick to accuse anyone who disagrees with you of some form of conspiracy.


Rather than jump to conclusions, I did a quick google search for your name and company.




I think your best move now would be to quietly slip into the background before too many people start investigating AFRINIC IP addresses….


Best regards,

Stuart Willet.


From: members-discuss [] On Behalf Of Elad Cohen
Sent: Monday, 27 April 2020 11:59
To: Cynthia Revström <>; Sascha Luck [ml] <>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails




The sick person which you are referring to and is your colleague from "The Spamhaus Project", defamed me for many many months, here in Ripe and in Nanog, he called me by many names without a single proof. He was called an antisemitic and a  racist not by me - but by people which are not related to me in Nanog. After many months I provided an official response in Ripe. I didn't hear your voice when he defamed me for many many months with him calling me by many names. So obviously your interests are hidden.


In the other working groups - I only replied to him, and I didn't hear your voice regarding your sick colleague initial message with name callings towards me when I only replied to his attack on me. And his personal attack on me is exactly like your personal attack on me now - you are afraid that an alternative solution to "The Spamhaus Project" will be implemented if I will be elected.




From: members-discuss <> on behalf of Cynthia Revström <>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 1:50 PM
To: Sascha Luck [ml] <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails


> The RIPE *NCC* has no business either enforcing "professionality"
on the *community* mailing lists - this is the WG chairs'


AFAIK there are no WG chairs of members-discuss and members-discuss is a mailing list that the RIPE NCC hosts to let RIPE NCC members discuss RIPE NCC membership related topics, so I think they certainly have business enforcing people to be professional on this mailing list.


I would also like to add that Elad has multiple times on different mailing lists ignored the WG chairs.

Also this is happening across a variety of RIPE/RIPE NCC mailing lists that are all hosted by the RIPE NCC and as such I think it is their business to keep them to a professional standard.


> If I'm wrong, where do

I submit the list of people I'd like to see excluded from the


There should not be a long list of people, but when someone is behaving unprofessionally, calling people "coconut", being defamatory towards the RIPE NCC, ignoring WG chairs, I do think that they have gone too far and everything has a limit.

Like we wouldn't allow someone to send sales emails to the mailing list as an example, aka limits on what is allowed.


- Cynthia


On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:43 PM Sascha Luck [ml] <> wrote:

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:02:59AM +0200, Cynthia Revstrm wrote:
>I would like to propose that the RIPE NCC ban Elad Cohen from interacting
>with the RIPE Community (via Meetings or mailing lists) due to his blatant
>disregard for the Code of Conduct and for being hostile towards others in
>the community. As the RIPE NCC hosts and manages these lists I think the
>RIPE NCC has a responsibility to keep the lists professional and to remove
>those who repeatedly ignore what the WG chairs are saying.

The RIPE *NCC* has no business either enforcing "professionality"
on the *community* mailing lists - this is the WG chairs'
responsibility. Nor do I think the NCC should determine who can
be a member of the RIPE community or not. If I'm wrong, where do
I submit the list of people I'd like to see excluded from the
I think this proposal is the most out-of-order thing I've yet
seen in this thread.

Sascha Luck

>- Cynthia

>members-discuss mailing list

members-discuss mailing list