
I and some of my customers have also received the same message several times over the past few days.

It’s the RIPE NCC’s way to cheat the numbers and ‘hide’ the bad way they violate the SLA agreement constantly.

I wish they would stop doing that. Either reply to the user or not, and if you do not and the SLA numbers show you screw up too often… hire more people, automate more of the process, find a way to respect the SLA but not by cheating…


PS: I even asked about this at the RIPE Meeting and there are for the past few months 20%+ (hundreds or thousands a month) tickets that do NOT receive a reply within the SLA, imagine if you add the tickets where they cheat and do send a worthless message (like the ones you and I have receives over the past few days)…

On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 10:50 Cynthia Revström via members-discuss <members-discuss@ripe.net> wrote:

I am not sure if this or ncc-services-wg is the best place for this but I have now 2 times recently gotten this reply from the NCC for not being able to reply to my ticket within 24h.

> Due to a very high workload, we were  unable to process your request at this time and will process it the following business day.

I really don't get the point of doing this, there is an auto reply confirming you have received my email so if I don't get a reply within 24h I assume that you had too many tickets or it is a holiday or something.

I mainly also wanted to ask if others are also receiving this?

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