Am 16.05.24 um 17:25 schrieb Gert Doering:
So what will you do if we actually get to vote on this, and the majority
of the voting members goes for "let's keep the RIPE meetings as they are,
keep providing k.root, and we're fine with the budget"?  Happily accept
the result, or complain about the charging scheme again?

If the membership voted for "the Budget is fine™", then the accusations about barking at the wrong tree next spring finally have substance. As of now, technically yes, but being only asked to vote on the Charging Scheme, not so much.

Because, effectively, the EB *has* asked for guidance, and most people
in the room said "yeah, fine, go ahead, see where you can cut costs, but
do not discontinue any services" - not voted, I agree on that, but at
least "listening, nodding, and not protesting".  Which is, moneywise,
quite a bit of "support", in the way AGMs go.

Then why does actually get the approval of the Activity Plan and Budget is such a great thing? I for one didn't want to start such a discussion at the GM – IIRC last time I didn't even attend anymore, boooring –, it's much less stressy to communicate such stuff via email. But since we're not even supposed to be voting on that topic, to me it's just time spend fruitless. Or, to put it simple: No vote – no use.

Kai Siering
Senior System Engineer GmbH
Münsterstraße 3
D-33330 Gütersloh

Tel.:    +49 (0) 5241 / 74 34 986
Fax:     +49 (0) 5241 / 74 34 987

Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter:
Fabian Bock

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Handelsregister Pinneberg HRB 8007 PI
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