Alex, I do appreciate your sarcasm as it's not lost on me here, but I think what is perhaps lost on you is that the same three individuals who's term is expiring are the same and only three individuals currently up for re-election. If the membership takes no action, which it currently is not, then the membership cannot expect any major change in view point either from the board. That is the whole point of this discussion is to bring attention to the fact that currently, none of these seats are being challenged as far as I can tell and suggest that doing so might be beneficial. Daniel~ On 4/26/23 10:46, Alex Le Heux wrote:
Alex Le Heux Network Architect Tucows Inc / Ting Fiber
On 26 Apr 2023, at 17:37, Daniel Pearson <> wrote:
Hi Alex,
On 4/26/23 10:26, Alex Le Heux wrote:
Hi Daniel,
Many of us are obviously very concerned about the direction that RIPE is heading with its charging scheme and their failure to acknowledge that you cannot discuss a charging scheme change without addressing the budget.
I would like to propose that we as RIPE members, discuss and identify 3 candidates whom we can nominate and elect to the executive board that will address things from the perspective of its users and help keep this organization in check. Just for context: What do you think that the job of the current executive board members is and how do you think they have gotten their seat? In simple terms, their job is, or at least should be, to execute the RIPE mission statement and be proper stewards and representatives of the members at large.
I would hate to assume how anyone received their seat, however working in open source and being a board member of a non-profit myself I personally know and understand the lack of interest people show when they are asked to invest their time for free into a project.
How do you think they have gotten their seat? You can read all about that here:
Spoiler: They’re elected by the membership