​Thanks Christian,

I missed those. 

"(b) a signed statement in which he/she declares that he/she shall adhere to the Code of Conduct for candidates for the Executive Board as adopted by the Executive Board and published on the Association’s website, and that he/she has never committed any fraud or other financial misconduct in any jurisdiction"

This is extremely broad. It also opens the possibility that RIPE NCC has to become an arbiter wether or not a certain action of a nominee constitutes fraud (with all the possible liabilities for RIPE NCC in civil court). Legally it would be preferable to just focus on 'outcomes': has there been any verdict against a nominee. Court cases can be won by nominees .. 

Is the wording deliberate (ie as broad as possible) Ifso have you thought about the above scenario ?

IDGARA | Alex de Joode | alex@idgara.nl | +31651108221

On Tue, 27-10-2020 16h 36min, "Kaufmann, Christian" <ckaufman@akamai.com> wrote:

Dear Alex,

Dear Members,



Here you can find the exact wordings and details:



and here is the rest of the supporting documents we have sent out before.



Hope this helps,




Christian Kaufmann

RIPE NCC Executive Board






From: Alex de Joode <adejoode@idgara.nl>
Reply to: Alex de Joode <adejoode@idgara.nl>
Date: Tuesday, 27. October 2020 at 14:31
To: "members-discuss@ripe.net" <members-discuss@ripe.net>, "exec-board@ripe.net" <exec-board@ripe.net>
Subject: [exec-board] ripe-ncc-executive-board-election-task-force-report


The report states:


7. Other requirements of nominees Recommendation It was agreed that the candidates must agree to follow the code of conduct at all times (see point 6 above). The nominee should also sign a statement certifying that they have not committed fraud or other financial misconduct in any jurisdiction. This requirement should be added to the Articles of Association.


This is very broad as it pertains to behaviour. Normally this is stated as "not being convicted for fraud or other financial misconduct in any jurisdiction".


So in order to know what we are voting on tomorrow, can the Board show us the exact textual changes we are voting on?





IDGARA | Alex de Joode | alex@idgara.nl | +31651108221