I have just read this:

And I'm shocked. The whole internet relies on the organization which clearly says:
Discovery that backups are not available

How this is possible ?

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Linux registered user #368058

On 06/14/12 12:48, Daniel Karrenberg wrote:
On 14.06.2012, at 13:04, MB Registryno wrote:

Well, then I will suggest that the information you posted as it currently stands was to terse or incomplete.

We had e.g major issues with a range in 212.in-addr.arpa, which was not explicitly mentioned on these web-pages.

All of them also referred to issues from yesterday, when there clearly was plenty of issues today.

Everybody gets pissed when fuck-ups happens, since neither of us in the human-race are error free, good information always helps.

It certainly does. That's why we want to make sure that the information we pass out is actually good. Especially if Murphy stays around to strike multiple times, like he apparently did with us. Look at https://www.ripe.net/lir-services/service-announcements for an update with good information.

I am not amused either.

Vennlig hilsen


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