Could you please explain how moving the large scale project to "cloud" can theoretically save the money? Well, there are no clouds exist. There are some other people's servers. They need to be bought, maintained and administrated, which costs something. If you sell that as the service, you need also to get some profit from it. AWS is a way *NOT* a cheap solution. I know some projects that spent $XXXXXX monthly on Amazon, and after moving to their own infrastructure became to spend $XXXXX. And there are a lot of room to optimize even more. So for me it will be very interesting to see the details. How many and for what exactly is paying to "clouds". I believe move to cloud is not about cut of costs. It is only about shifting the responsibility for the infrastructure to someone else. That's not our fail so everything down, that's a cloud fail! Sorry, we are not in charge for that! Give us our yearly bonus! That how it is really works. And also, look at the Boeing case... 04.11.24 19:28, Randy Bush пише:
RIPE NCC is perfectly capable of operating infrastructure, but has chosen not to.
i suspect part of the ncc's motivation is perceived cost savings in the presence of members telling them to reduce spend.
rock - hard place.
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