We support this proposal.


Thanks for bringing it up.





From: members-discuss <members-discuss-bounces@ripe.net> on behalf of Max Tulyev <maxtul@netassist.ua>
Date: Wednesday, 9 March 2022 at 12:26
To: Members Discuss <members-discuss@ripe.net>
Subject: [members-discuss] LIR invoices for Ukrainian companies

[External Email. Be cautious of content]

Hi All,

as you now there is a huge russian military invasion in Ukraine.

The communications, especially Internet access, is one of the most
important things during this time.

Unfortunately, almost all ISPs facing with a financial impact of war
because of non-payment crisis. A thousand of Euros is a huge money now
even for big companies.

I think it is a good idea to support Ukrainian ISPs and postpone
payments for LIR for them until the end of the war.

Please, do support of this proposal.

Thank you all!

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