Kaj Niemi wrote on 09/03/2023 13:59:
Still, when the CFO equivalent for an organization comes asking for alternatives on how to raise prices to meet projected future budget from its customers (membership) I think it is super useful to look critically at what that organization spends its revenue on.
This mischaracterises where this discussion is coming from. The aim is not to find some new way to raise prices - that can be done in the existing model by just raising the prices. This discussion is the continuation of a community engagement process started in 2021, and outlined here:
I.e. it's the outcome of a member's survey initiated in 2020 on what people wanted from the RIPE NCC. Page 3 includes:
Survey Findings • There was a clear majority in favour of charging based on resources held
So, the membership wanted a discussion on the pricing model, and this is now where we are. In relation to the activity plan, the RIPE NCC presents this centre-stage to the membership every year. Here's the FY2023 Plan:
There's a breakdown of costs on Page 6. I agree that it's important to discuss this too, but it's a separate discussion which can easily be decoupled from a pricing model. Nick