Randy, you are lying, why you don't make the discussions public so everyone will see exactly what was written? You are the one the defamed me *after* the task force chair wrote a message (without any warning) that I'm out of the task force. All I did was to respond to you, and it was after your message which was after the message from the task force chair that I'm out of the task force. Randy, can you confirm or deny that you are part of the mob-like Ops-Trust community ? (https://portal.ops-trust.net/) And for everyone - please let me add one more thing, in the PDF that was notified by RIPE NCC CEO regarding the task force report (link below), it was mentioned that I was removed from the task force because of "complaints", that sentence is misleading to believe that complaints came from the community, no - there were 0 complaints from the community according to the task force chair, all the complaints came from other task force members that didn't want me in the task force in the first place and even wrote it clearly in their twitter accounts. https://www.ripe.net/participate/meetings/gm/meetings/october-2020/ripe-ncc-... ________________________________ From: Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> Sent: Saturday, November 7, 2020 3:54 PM To: Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io> Cc: Elvis Daniel Velea <elvis@v4escrow.net>; Members Discuss <members-discuss@ripe.net> Subject: Re: [members-discuss] External thoughts on the Executive Board Election TF
"a person was kicked out. just for the record." I confirm, and by the same people that decided that the discussions of the TF will be private.
indeed. both were unanimous. in your case it was because of multiple blatant violations of the code of conduct. i requested it be formal, as you attacked me personally including religious slander and a threat to sue. note that i still stand by my original words
my understanding is that the tf was formed of the full set of those who volunteered.