I still find it very special that if you look at an ISP that has +/- 1500 resource assignments, they only pay a maximum of 115k per year (!) with all these models, even though they have millions in turnover and are the largest customer of the basic services of RIPE. This does not seem like a sustainable financial plan to me.

Wieger Bontekoe
Principal Site Reliability Engineer
wieger.bontekoe@productsup.com | Den Bosch
Productsup B.V.
Part of the globally operative Productsup Group - office locations
Den Bosch: Emmaplein 4D 5211 VW 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands

KvK-nummer 75051370; VAT ID  NL860122657B01
Managing Directors: Vincent Peters, Stefan Sonntag, Koen Looijmans

On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 3:20 PM Paul Newton <paul.newton@f4rn.org.uk> wrote:
We are trying to find a diplomatic way to suggest that larger organisations can afford to contribute more because they can defray the cost over more clients.

We have only have 210 clients, so cost per capita is quite significant.


On Wed, 10 Apr 2024, 13:58 Michel Lanners, <michel.lanners@lu-cix.lu> wrote:
Dear all,

Why on earth is everybody trying to monetize IPv4, i.e. make RIPE fees dependant on IPv4 ressources?

I completely fail to see why anybody should pay more for HOLDING any number of IPv4 ressources (or other ressources, by the way).

It’s a different story for ressource transfers. So let those selling IPv4 pay a fee for the transfer! 

And for the rest let’s stick to a real membership fee: one price irrespective of which services you use or not. The fitness center doesn’t charge you per minute, nor per device you use. It's a flat membership, full stop. Hopefully low enough so it doesn’t create a problem for anybody's bottom line.


CIO at LU-CIX Management G.I.E.
Luxchat: @3eb2pdflrq57:01.lu-cix.luxchat.lu
Phone: (+352) 28 99 29 92-81
LU-CIX Management G.I.E.
202, Z.A.E. Wolser F
L-3290 Bettembourg

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