Hi Jochem, On Tue, Aug 02, 2011 at 04:37:00PM +0200, Jochem de Ruig wrote:
In response to members' queries, the two Charging Scheme models aim to maintain, as they currently are, the sponsoring contracts between LIRs and End Users for PI assignments or ASNs. It may not have been fully clear, but the Direct Assignment Users (DAUs) mentioned in the Charging Scheme document only refers to the DAUs that have a direct contractual relationship with the RIPE NCC. This follows from RIPE Policy Proposal 2007-01. The XXS category in the charging schemes caters for these DAUs.
Thank you for the clarifications. I have another question: Do sponsored ASN count into the category? (eg, does a LIR with 1x /22 PA allocation but sponsoring 5 ASN now fall into 'Large'? If so, this would, very much, discriminate against small LIRs who hold few resources themselves but sponsor for end users. Overall, my preference would be for a "low cost airline" charging model with charges for each resource as required by the LIR. This might even be an incentive for LIRs to return unused resources in order to cut their bill. I realise that such a system would probably make forecasting harder for the NCC. rgds, Sascha Luck