Dear members of this list, how about we take a different approach and "pretend" to agree with everything Mr Cohen has to say..

Lets tell him that we want more technical solutions like he suggests, maybe this would get him to actually take time to write about new proposals (which would mean he would not have time to troll this list)

Elan you want to solve the IPv4 problem, now the DDoS problem. Can you maybe come with a solution for Spam too? Don't you think that there should be a central registry for managing spam blacklists and whitelists and so on. Maybe you can be the pioneer of this, you can use your skill to create something?

Yeah guys just encourage him to do work brijg bring new ideas (or whatever gets him to not post here)...

Just instead of finding out the flaws in his ideas or telling him ripe board has no right or power to do things like that or whatever, just tell him otherwise...