


The RIPE NCC will ask proof of an actual M&A documented by a legal party as a notary in case an actual M&A has occurred.

The RIPE policy can’t over-rule actual business decisions like an M&A and with any normal business M&A this is properly documented between parties, typically with a full agreement from lawyers. And that kind of documentation is required.


If the documentation can’t be produced, because the party is just trying to trick the system (to sell their just received IP resources), the restriction apply.


This was decided by the community (not ‘just’ decided by the RIPE NCC or the Exec Board) when the Transfer policy was presented and discussed.  



Erik Bais

Author of the Transfer policy :  https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-682


From: members-discuss <members-discuss-bounces@ripe.net> on behalf of Фри Дата <freedatas@yandex.ru>
Date: Wednesday 12 December 2018 at 13:37
To: "members-discuss@ripe.net" <members-discuss@ripe.net>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Change of conditions




I agree with Alexey. Also I want to pay attention on https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-709#transfer35


This document refers to https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-682#2-2-transfer-restrictions where you can read next:

This restriction does not prevent the resources from being transferred due to further mergers or acquisitions within the 24-month period.


But dear RIPE tells that they cannot transfer the resources in case of change the business structure because of 24 month restriction. How can we understand it?



12.12.2018, 13:03, "Aleksey Bulgakov" <aleksbulgakov@gmail.com>:

Dear all.

I would like to ask you one question.

If one company open account in June 2018, but respected executive
board decides to implement restrictions in September - should the
company to apply this restrictions?

I mean the document https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-709#transfer35

Best regards,
Alexey Bulgakov

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