Dear colleagues, Sorry for delay with our response to this mailing list. But I was on holidays and was not able to send any letters for discussing of the Charging Schemes. Our opinion you will find below. Please, consider it as all another ones. First of all, I have to say that we are strongly against the Charging Scheme -Model 2. Secondly, we would prefer the old Charging Scheme (2011). Thirdly, If RIPE NCC changes the Charging Scheme then it should be done for 2013 year. Because we need to notify our clients about it. Fourthly, we against the situation when RIPE NCC require list of our End Users before September, 30st. By this date we don’t know will Charging Scheme be changed or no. If yes then how much. RIPE NCC should transfer this term, for example, to the January, 1st. In that case we (in advance) would be able to form the list of our End Users who will be able to pay money according to the new Charging Scheme. With best wishes, Olga Fomina LiderTelecom Ltd. -- С Уважением, Ольга Фомина Старший инженер по телекоммуникациям ООО "ЛидерТелеком" Тел.: 8(495)778-98-51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Конкурс "Удачный iSSL" - выиграйте iPhone4 в августе! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ URL: [1]http://www.InstantSSL.su/ - SSL-сертификаты Comodo URL: [2]http://verisign.su/ - SSL- сертификаты Verisign URL: [3]http:// www.HostingConsult.ru/ - Лицензии связи, IP-адреса и AS URL: [4]http://www.telecom-auctions.ru/ - Аукционы для телекоммуникационных компаний (B2B) URL: [5]http://vkontakte.ru/club18922271 - ООО "ЛидерТелеком" Вконтакте URL: [6]http://twitter.com/LeaderTelecom - ООО "ЛидерТелеком" vs. Twitter [1] http:// www.InstantSSL.su/ [2] http://verisign.su/ [3] http:// www.HostingConsult.ru/ [4] http://www.telecom-auctions.ru/ [5] http://vkontakte.ru/club18922271 [6] http://twitter.com/LeaderTelecom