I'm never going to wear a t-shirt saying 'Ripe' ...

On Wed, 10 Apr 2024, 14:21 Kaj Niemi, <kajtzu@basen.net> wrote:
Realistically you cannot compensate for recurring charges with one-time charges. The former you know, the latter you do not have any idea whether they will occur or not. Thus, while xfers could be invoiced at cost plus principles (or whatever), budgetarily it is insanity to assume that such events would occur.

I like the gym analogy. Although most have different categories for different kinds of members, whether you can go to group lessons or not, whether you train during busy hours our outside of them, etc. as well as the implicit assumption that most pay but do not use. Also, they sell t-shirts, towels, chocolate, energy drinks, porridge, etc.


From: members-discuss <members-discuss-bounces@ripe.net> on behalf of Michel Lanners <michel.lanners@lu-cix.lu>
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 15:55
To: members-discuss@ripe.net <members-discuss@ripe.net>
Subject: [members-discuss] Charging Scheme 2025
Dear all,

Why on earth is everybody trying to monetize IPv4, i.e. make RIPE fees dependant on IPv4 ressources?

I completely fail to see why anybody should pay more for HOLDING any number of IPv4 ressources (or other ressources, by the way).

It’s a different story for ressource transfers. So let those selling IPv4 pay a fee for the transfer! 

And for the rest let’s stick to a real membership fee: one price irrespective of which services you use or not. The fitness center doesn’t charge you per minute, nor per device you use. It's a flat membership, full stop. Hopefully low enough so it doesn’t create a problem for anybody's bottom line.


CIO at LU-CIX Management G.I.E.
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LU-CIX Management G.I.E.
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