Hello member, I guess like each category will move to one higher level. But as we are member since more than 10 years we think the price level isn't to high and accurate because years before in relation we had higher prices as the new charging scheme will show us. Sure the last years were very low pricing but we should know that costs will grew up too. But other stuff. The difference between "model 1" and "model 2" will be the PI assigment. But where is the difference of the pricing ?? Each category will have the same fee ??? @ RIPE is there a error in the model table ?? Am 01.08.2011 20:11, schrieb Marcel Edler (Optimate-Server.de):
Hello member,
my LIR has 2x/18, 1x/19, 1x/17 PA-Allocation. When I look right my membership category will be size L. I have to pay 5000 Euro a year, because I have one /19 over /16. I think the price step from category M to category L is to big. 2500Eur -> 5000Eur You should add a category between M and L. It should have this requirements: IPv4: >/16, <=/14 price should be 3500 Euro every year
Its not fair, that I have to pay 5000 Euro, instead 2500 Euro, only I have one /19 to much to met requirements for category M!
with one /19 you are category S !!! So you will pay (with model 1) with no PI payment 2500 Euro instead of old 1900 Euro ;) bye Alex