I think what you are telling is out of the context of this issue. Me being a valid person or not in signing the documents is not in question and it is a proven fact because the extracts given by ministry of justice have a unique number that could be accessed and verified online any time by anyone. There are also a lot of resources that facilitate verifying any company information such as this one https://youcontrol.com.ua/en/catalog/company_details/40508891/ so I believe what you said is a little bit out of topic. The RIPE's issue with our extract is different and I believe I've described it very well in my first email. On 3/3/20 2:02 PM, Terrence Koeman wrote:
Well, *you* say that you meet the requirement that a valid person is signing the documents, but RIPE is not convinced. And it's RIPE that needs to be convinced before it becomes a fact to them in regards of their policy. That there is some unconnected fact of the matter is irrelevant.
If your logic worked I could just send in no documents at all and say "why is it my problem that RIPE doesn't know the content of the documents?"