On Sun, 26 Apr 2020, Elad Cohen wrote:
> You didn't fully read my initial post, the MTU with IPv4+ will not be a fixed MTU of 1500 or of any other fixed value, it will be set in the beginning of the connection through a process called: "IPv4+ UDP Handshake"
> Respectfully,
> Elad
Respectfully your solution does not solve any problem. It just creates new ones.
There is no connectivity between IPv4 and IPv4+. So clients needing access to both world need to "dual stack" or even "triple stack" if they also need IPv6.
To enable connectivity between IPv4 and IPv4+ you would need routers to support 33 bit routes which is not going to happen.
To enable a client to connect to both the IPv4 and IPv4+ internet it seems to me that you would need at least another address family in the socket protocols which is also a massive overhead. The formatting of the address as two 16 bit values instead of four
8 bit values does not fix the issue in the clients ipv4 stack.
You cannot route ipv4 and ipv4+ in the same global internet if they are two seprate networks and if the addresses mean different things depending on arbitrary address bits.
So I fail to see how in any way your solution would provide more adresses to the existing internet without creating a new isolated cloud.
IPv6 can coexist with IPv4 because it has been designed appropriately as a fully separate protocol with clean separation in the the ip stack via a separate address family.
Christian Kratzer CK Software GmbH
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