
That is what the transfer policy states. 

As stated in their billing procedure before a member transfer resources or close their LIR accounts, a member will have to pay the full annual service fee for the year in question for the LIR accounts they hold. Only when the full annual service fee for every LIR account has been paid can the transfer or closure take place. 

On January 1st of each year members owe the RIPE NCC the full annual service fee for that year. Some members pay this in an annual, half-yearly or quarterly invoices. However, for the transfer service, the member’s full membership must be paid in order to proceed.

Please find more information via the following link:

Kind regards,

On Mon, 9 Jul 2018 at 08:30, Sebastian Wiesinger <sebastian.wiesinger@noris.net> wrote:
* olena.dmytrenko@bignet.ua <olena.dmytrenko@bignet.ua> [2018-07-09 07:46]:
> We got a problem! 
> We want to share it with you to find out your opinion on this matter.
> We are transferring our network to other company. The transfer is approved.
> As policy prescribed, you have to pay the annual fee. For today these are the third quartal and the forth.
> But RIPE forces us to pay the bill for the first quartal, however our LIR was opened later in the second one. ( in APRIL 2018).
> We would like to see and discuss the rules, where it is prescribed what to pay in such cases.
> Where we can read the regulation that you need to pay an annual fee for the quarters in which Lir did not even exist.

Here is the rule, I think this is pretty clear:


"A member must pay the full annual service fee for each LIR account(s)
held before they can transfer resources or close their LIR account(s).
Only when the full annual service fee for every LIR account has been
paid can the transfer or closure take place."

> Furthermore, we have 5 more LIRs on one company.  Is it fare to be
> forced to pay all annual invoices on all Lirs, before the transfer
> one part of the network from 1 LIR?

Yes. See the rule above. It is meant to discourage opening LIRs simply
to get IPv4 space. This is exactly how it is supposed to work.



Sebastian Wiesinger
Principal Network Architect
Network & Security (ONS)

noris network AG
Thomas-Mann-Straße 16-20
90471 Nürnberg

Tel +49 911 9352 1335
Fax +49 911 9352 100

https://www.noris.de - Mehr Leistung als Standard

Vorstand: Ingo Kraupa (Vorsitzender), Joachim Astel, Jürgen Städing -
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Stefan Schnabel - AG Nürnberg HRB 17689

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