Dear all,
Why on earth is everybody trying to monetize IPv4, i.e. make RIPE fees dependant on IPv4 ressources?
I completely fail to see why anybody should pay more for HOLDING any number of IPv4 ressources (or other ressources, by the way).
It’s a different story for ressource transfers. So let those selling IPv4 pay a fee for the transfer!
And for the rest let’s stick to a real membership fee: one price irrespective of which services you use or not. The fitness center doesn’t charge you per minute, nor per device you use. It's a flat membership, full stop. Hopefully low enough so it doesn’t
create a problem for anybody's bottom line.
CIO at LU-CIX Management G.I.E.
Phone: (+352) 28 99 29 92-81
LU-CIX Management G.I.E.
202, Z.A.E. Wolser F
L-3290 Bettembourg