once again, this completely leaves ipv6 out of consideration, where is
Taking IPv6 into consideration doesn't change the overall equation a lot, IMHO. Let's not forget that we're talking about the billing scheme for one year only. All the cards are dealt anew in mid-2012, when the 2013 charging scheme is discussed. I presume more weight will be added to IPv6 allocations as soon as they become more relevant. I completely agree with the notion that IPv4 (and therefore, billing per IPv4 network in RIPE) will become irrelevant eventually, but we're not there yet [tm]. And although it seems to be en vogue for a couple of people to imply that everyone and their social network will switch to native IPv6 as soon as the last /8 is distributed, I believe this is a naive assumption. Gruß, --ck -- Filoo GmbH Christopher Kunz, Geschäftsführer Web: http://www.filoo.de/ E-Mail: chris@filoo.de Tel.: (+49) 0 52 48 / 1 89 84 -11 Fax: (+49) 0 52 48 / 1 89 84 -20 Please sign & encrypt mail wherever possible, my key: C882 8ED1 7DD1 9011 C088 EA50 5CFA 2EEB 397A CAC1 Moltkestraße 25a 33330 Gütersloh, Germany HRB4355, AG Gütersloh Geschäftsführer: S.Grewing, J.Rehpöhler, C.Kunz Folgen Sie uns auf Twitter: http://twitter.com/filoogmbh