Since ipv4 will run out one way or another, the short version is that RIPE/membership has decided not to waste resources aggressively reclaiming ipv4 (and only stay certain execution a short time), but to put those towards getting ipv6 adopted.

Ipv4 is left to the market (the profiteers), so buying/selling & renting/leasing space one has acquired legitimately is allowed.

   Terrence Koeman, PhD/MTh/BPsy
     Darkness Reigns (Holding) B.V.

Please quote relevant replies.
Spelling errors courtesy of my 'smart'phone.

From: Bill Lewis <>
Sent: Wednesday, 13 May 2020 05:11
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Mass emailing towards LIRs contacts, from a Board candidate


Not getting this at least but have had an email from a company that leases IP4 space, sent to the email address used for our Ripe account (not on any of our IP records).

Apparently has /22 blocks they would like to rent out, surely unused blocks should be in Ripe's hands, not profiteers?

just a thought and how they gained the email address too. Anybody else had this?


On 08/05/2020 07:53, Benjamin Collet wrote:
> On Thu, May 07, 2020 at 08:57:28AM +0200, Clement Cavadore wrote:
>> I have received multiple times (to many of the LIRs I manage contact
>> emails), this night, an e-mail coming from a RIPE NCC Board candidate,
>> who promotes his candidacy. Be his candidacy admissible and decent or
>> not, is not the point. But, is that kind of mass-mailing correct ?
> I also got this email (have a guess whom it was from…). I believe this
> kind of mass-mailing is in direct violation of article 4 - section 4 of
> RIPE DB terms and conditions
> (

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