Dear Marcel,

You have 73,440 IP addresses and you charge 0.50 euro per IP per month to your customers.
You are even charging 0.20 euro per IPv6 address.

And you are seriously complaining about a price increase of 2500 euro?!

On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 2:11 AM, Marcel Edler ( <> wrote:
Hello member,

my LIR has 2x/18, 1x/19, 1x/17 PA-Allocation.
When I look right my membership category will be size L.
I have to pay 5000 Euro a year, because I have one /19 over /16.
I think the price step from category M to category L is to big. 2500Eur -> 5000Eur
You should add a category between M and L.
It should have this requirements:
IPv4: >/16, <=/14
price should be 3500 Euro every year

Its not fair, that I have to pay 5000 Euro, instead 2500 Euro, only I have
one /19 to much to met requirements for category M!
Marcel Edler