5 Jun
5 Jun
12:26 a.m.
And it would be very interesting if someone from Ripe NCC can share with us what is the most IP consuming business in the planet.
Dedicated Servers/VPS/Colocation and Datacenter services in General i guess.
In which, is that service can use NAT in sometime future?
Unlikely to impossible. William (RIPE: WW - LIR: at.edisgmbh - M: william@edis.at) Sent from my iPhone Am 05.06.2012 um 00:22 schrieb Lu Heng <h.lu@anytimechinese.com>:
And it would be very interesting if someone from Ripe NCC can share with us what is the most IP consuming business in the planet.
In which, is that service can use NAT in sometime future?