This was my official response after many months of me being attacked also here in Ripe and Nanog by a sick member of "The Spamhaus Project" and after I was called in many worst names. After many months I provided an official response. The source there is Nanog and this is how the sick member of "The Spamhaus Project" was called by a poster in Nanog which is not related to me.

Silvan Gabhardt is clearly a member of "The Spamhaus Project" and trying to change the facts, just like "The Spamhaus Project" are doing in their illegal cyber influence operations.


From: members-discuss <> on behalf of Silvan Gebhardt <>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 1:35 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails

Hello Hans,

Have you looked at the links alistair posted,

let's pick this:

here Elad both insults people constnatly in this thread, and showing screenshots of where he "indentified people as antisemits" - and shows as "Proof" another email, with no source, so for all we know, Elad has written himself. <- so he produces his own "proofs"

And why do I think Elad wrote that himself? because he has been called out on his IP adress missapropriation as you can see, if you read this. And this level as shown in this imgur link is beyond waht's acceptable.

So he produces his own sources, where he does personally affect peoples to the level of calling things.

I have to disagree with you, I consider Elad as harmful and personally attacking people constantly. I do support the stance of Cynthia here and hope the RIPE community can take a stance here against the bullying of Elad. 

I've seen how things progressed here, from a ususal trolling because people did not take any of Elads proposal serious as they very - in my personal opinion - over the top. 

But it has progressed to Elad attacking people on a level that is not acceptable for this community. 

I would again like to stress that Elad wants to be elected as RIPE chair. So are we, as a community, remotely considering someone with this singificant bullying behaviour into a chair of RIPE? Someone who calls everyone that does not agree with his opinion illegal, and beeing engaged in illegal options, and he also refers to mental health of others, as seen in other 

On 4/26/20 10:16 PM, Hans Govenius wrote:



This is ridiculous and out of the question.


Its completely out of order to even discuss such actions.


These points which he brings to the discussion are atleast somewhat within the scope of matters that could be discussed on a Ripe members list. Its not like Elad would be speaking of ice bears or meatballs here.


If someone does not like to discuss things – get out of the list. Its that simple.


I don’t take any position on these spam or ipv matters as I don’t have sufficient technical knowledge to either disagree or agree with them but its great that someone tries to come up with something and also I usually prefer if people try to advance things rather than block them.



Now lets everyone be civil here and give everyone a voice.



br. Hans



Lähettäjä: members-discuss <> Puolesta Cynthia Revström
Lähetetty: maanantai 27. huhtikuuta 2020 1.03
Vastaanottaja:; RIPE NCC Support <>
Aihe: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails




I would like to request that Elad Cohen be blocked from sending to the members-discuss mailing lists after multiple offtopic threads started by Elad and the personal attacks and ignoring WG chairs telling Elad to stop.


I would further like to point out that as he is a confirmed candidate for the Exec Board, one of his key responsibilities would be to have the "Ability to communicate effectively", which he has shown that he is not capable of.

I would personally say that elad lacks most of the expectations listed on


I would like to propose that the RIPE NCC ban Elad Cohen from interacting with the RIPE Community (via Meetings or mailing lists) due to his blatant disregard for the Code of Conduct and for being hostile towards others in the community. As the RIPE NCC hosts and manages these lists I think the RIPE NCC has a responsibility to keep the lists professional and to remove those who repeatedly ignore what the WG chairs are saying.


- Cynthia

members-discuss mailing list