 im agree with ping, the additional LIR account have to free or lower than 2000

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On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 8:38 PM, Ping IP <pingip.network@gmail.com> wrote:

A recent change has been made in the Billing and Fee Schedule 2016 , regarding the following sentence: "Members are charged a one-time sign-up fee of EUR 2,000 (two thousand euro) for each new LIR account."

I'd like to discuss why an existing LIR member has to pay the sign-up fee again? As a new small LIR I'm paying a high price for a /22 IPv4. I think it's disproportionately to charge the sign-up fee again from an existing LIR member who is requesting an additional LIR account. 

I'd like to suggest to remove the one-time sign-up fee of EUR 2,000 for each additional LIR account. Or at least lower the sign-up fee to an acceptable rate.
I'm not talking about the sign-up fee for a new LIR member, but about the sign-up fee for an additional LIR account.

Thanks for discussing this subject.

Best regards,

Abdelouahed Haitoute
Ping IP network

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