Am 19.06.12 17:18, schrieb [Swift Internet] Jarek Grzabel:
I have just read this:
And I'm shocked. The whole internet relies on the organization which clearly says: 14:00 Discovery that backups are not available
How this is possible ?
That was my personal "LOL WTF" moment of the day, too. I can vividly imagine the huge wave of facepalms that transcended the RIPE offices after this discovery. Gruß, --ck -- filoo GmbH Dr. Christopher Kunz E-Mail: Tel.: (+49) 0 52 41 8 67 30 -18 Fax: (+49) 0 52 41 / 8 67 30 -20 Please sign & encrypt mail wherever possible, my key: C882 8ED1 7DD1 9011 C088 EA50 5CFA 2EEB 397A CAC1 Moltkestraße 25a 33330 Gütersloh HRB4355, AG Gütersloh Geschäftsführer: S.Grewing, J.Rehpöhler, Dr. C.Kunz Filoo im Web: Folgen Sie uns auf Twitter: Werden Sie unser Fan auf Facebook: