Hi Nigel:

As a new comer and a company have been recently joined higher level of membership, I would like to join to task force as a member, and I might have some voice for people recently joined(in last 5 years) as well as some middle to small sized company.

I would very appreciated if you can consider my application.

With regards.


On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Nigel Titley <nigel@titley.com> wrote:
Dear all,

at the RIPE NCC Board Meeting, last Thursday, we agreed
to set up a small task force, to work on a successor of
the current RIPE NCC Charging Scheme.

Apart from members from the Executive Board and RIPE
NCC staff, we are looking for representatives from our

We know some of you are interested in the topic, and would
like to encourage you to volunteer to work on this important
task. The composition of the task force will be two RIPE NCC staff members,
two Board members and a maximum of four members.

I have included the proposed charter of the task force,
so that you know what you are getting yourselves into.

You can reply either directly to me or to the list or both. If we get more
than four volunteers then four will be chosen randomly.

Looking forward to the results,

Best regards,

Nigel Titley
RIPE NCC Executive Board


In the course of 2011 the RIPE NCC Management and the RIPE NCC Board
have put in a lot of effort to propose a new, future proof Charging
Scheme. Several proposals were announced to the members-discuss
mailing list in July and after extensive discussion with a variety of
opinions and new models, the Executive Board decided to propose a
different model having taken feedback into account. After further extensive discussion
and comments, this model was voted down by the membership at the last
General Meeting.

To improve the Charging Scheme process and to get broader input on a
future Charging Scheme model the Executive Board has decided to create a Task Force,
representing different groups within the RIPE NCC organisation.

Objectives of the Task Force

The Task Force will have the following objectives:

-       Define the principles of a future Charging Scheme
-       Propose an improved process for the annual Charging Scheme discussions
and adoption
-       Set a pricing structure for several years for Legacy holders
-       Advise the Executive Board on a discussion or resolution for the
General Meeting in April 2011

The Task Force will not discuss or set any actual fees or prices.

Participants of the Task Force
To have an efficient task force the group will have to be limited in size.
The Executive Board has selected key individuals that have put themselves forward,
have good understanding of the Charging Scheme and represent a variety
of member groups.
The group will consist of participants from 3 groups namely:

-       RIPE NCC staff - Jochem de Ruig, Andrea Cima
-       RIPE NCC Executive Board – Remco van Mook, Dmitry Burkov
-       RIPE NCC members (4 representatives)

Several meetings/phone conferences in Q1 2012, send draft proposal to
Board ahead of the General Meeting in April 2012.

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