Martin, Votes can be done as PGP signed e-mails. These e-mails can be published on web site or sent to all interesting people via e-mail. So everyone can check their votes are counted right. As anybody can check PGP signs, it is not a problem voting through RIPE NCC web site. P.S. Remember the board elections: people put ballots inside a hat, then a few guys went out with the hat, did something (probably counted ballots) and said the result. So the current voting system already not better than voting through the LIR portal ;) Martin List-Petersen wrote:
Hank Nussbacher wrote:
At 01:41 PM 19-06-09 +0100, Rob Evans wrote:
voting through the lir portal, great idea. (first on the agenda, the correction of 2007-01).. Could you clarify what you want electronic voting for?
The policy development process? Which doesn't have any voting at the moment, it is a consensus-based approach on open mailing lists -- please read the link that Andy Davidson sent around earlier for more information.
Or the General Meeting where decisions are made relating to the RIPE NCC? (Voting on the RIPE NCC executive board, accepting the charging scheme and budget, etc.) Budgets, charging schemes, etc. If a vote is called for at an AGM and 50 out of 5000 people vote, there should be the ability to submit ones vote via the LIR Portal as well. It is called democracy.
Well. It goes even further.
At the AGM it was raised, if this should be done via a postal voting system, the LIRportal or an external open source system.
And to be honest, the LIRportal is in control of the NCC.
I made it very clear, that I'd prefer
a) if we spend money/ressources on something to let anybody benefit from that, ergo send it towards and existing open source system,
b) i'd like to be able to check myself, that the underlying voting system actually does, what it says on the tin.
c) maybe we don't want to give the NCC any chance (we know they don't do it, but why tempt them), with tampering with the way the system counts the votes.
The external open source system, maybe even handled by an external entity would cover all those 3 points.
Now, the vote on that hasn't been done yet, but there was some clear opinions on where we go, because I didn't stand alone in the room with that opinion.
As for budgets, charging schemes, etc., yes, that's up for vote/discussion at the AGM. Correct.
Kind regards, Martin List-Petersen
-- WBR, Max Tulyev (MT6561-RIPE, 2:463/253@FIDO)