Hello everyone.

I've been reading all your messages regarding this problem since some time now. And i think that this problem shouldn't be handled by RIPE at all.
Countries blacklist IP addresses and DNS addresses since some time now (because of piracy, political reasons, etc...). So... just because now, Russia is blocking a lot of VPN IPs, is a reason for RIPE to step in? No. I don't think so.

You all should keep the 2 things appart from each other. We in Portugal, have since some time now, several torrent websites blocked (IP and DNS) and you don't ear us complain about it or ask RIPE to talk to the gouvernment.

I agree that internet should be regulated. But a regulation can be benign to some but malign to others. A balance should be found. Internet would never be free because of this. And it's not the job of RIPE to balance it.



Bruno Carvalho (CEO xrv.pt) | +351 300 404 316
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On 2018-04-25 14:51, Sebastian Wiesinger wrote:

* Juri <hostmaster@ntx.ru> [2018-04-25 14:20]:
Hello Max,

would you like the world to do exactly your (i.e. Russian citizens) job
and cut your small dictator off?
It is your country, not our, so do it yourself

We can't do that by ourselfs only )
And, yes, we don't have elections here.

There some other countries, like Ukraine for example, who copy bad
practice of Internet censorship too. That's why Internet companies and
ISPs should think about those problem together.

I hate to say it, but ISPs are bound by the laws of the country
they're operating in. If your government doesn't allow free access
there is nothing anyone outside of your country can do. Change has to
come from within. You are hurt by your governments decision to block
access to millions of IPs? Let them know. Let your customers know who
is responsible. That is not something we can do for you.

Also the RIPE NCC already has an outreach program to meet with and
inform governments, but a government would have to be willing to meet
and be informed.



Sebastian Wiesinger
Principal Network Architect
Network & Security (ONS)

noris network AG
Thomas-Mann-Straße 16-20
90471 Nürnberg

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https://www.noris.de - Mehr Leistung als Standard

Vorstand: Ingo Kraupa (Vorsitzender), Joachim Astel, Jürgen Städing -
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Stefan Schnabel - AG Nürnberg HRB 17689

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