I agree, this vote does not make sense to me.
It seems to me that the board does not want a volume-based pricing, and so suggests an option that few will vote for. Then they can say "you see, people do not want volume-based pricing"...

An issue with most suggested "Option C" schemes is that final income will be too high.
Here is a spreadsheet to help do the math and see the impact on each LIR.
(feel free to make a copy and do you own math)

For instance, if we estimate RIPE needed budget to 32M€,
and decide to charge half via flat fee, half via number of IPs,
that gives  740€ + 2.7cents / IPv4 address or IPv6/32 prefix.
(see tab n°2 of spreadsheet)

Alexis Hanicotte
VelumWare SAS

On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 10:23 AM Michal Prokeš <michal.prokes@hdata.cz> wrote:

Dear colleagues,

there are many users discussing about per ipv4 payments for a long time. I does not have to be most wanted option, but I believe, it is most discussed option last years. 

So if we decide to make voting about charging scheme, it should include the most discussed option. We will see if it win or not. Voting without this option is misleading. Organizations with huge allocations love actual schema (optiona A) and small organizations with symbolic alocation of /22 are definitely not going to vote for option B (very simplified it means: the less you have to buy on expensive ipv4 market the less you have to pay RIPE annualy).


* Add option C (per-ipv4 fee) to choices


* Cancel this voting.

Results of voting with announced options will be very misleading.


M. Prokeš

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gwen van Berne <gvanberne@ripe.net>
Date: Apr 17, 2019 18:08
Subject: [ncc-announce] [GM] RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2020 - Two Options to Vote On
To: ncc-announce@ripe.net

Dear colleagues,

Members will vote on the RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2020 at the General
Meeting from 22-24 May. In response to requests from members, the
Executive Board is proposing two charging scheme options that the
members can choose from at the GM.

An overview of the two options is also available that explains the two
models in more detail. The overview and the two charging schemes are
available at:

In short, the options that members will choose between are:

Option A: The RIPE NCC will maintain the existing charging scheme,
according to which members pay an annual fee of EUR 1,400 plus an extra
EUR 50 per independent number resource assignment.

Option B: The RIPE NCC will switch to a new volume-based, per
registration charging scheme. This would involve lowering the annual fee
to EUR 1,150  whilst broadening the applicability of the separate EUR 50
charge to all number registrations held by the member. See the full list
of registrations that would be charged in the document.

The existing sign-up fee of EUR 2,000 will apply to both options.

We encourage members to discuss the options on the Member Discuss
mailing list at <members-discuss@ripe.net>. The Executive Board and the
RIPE NCC Management will follow discussions closely ahead of the GM.

If you have not yet registered for the GM, we strongly encourage you to
do so and make sure you have your say on which of two distinct charging
scheme options should be adopted in May. Full participation and voting
options are available for all members. You can register now via the LIR
Portal at:

All details on the GM, including the draft agenda, are available from:

Kind regards,

Gwen van Berne
Chief Financial Officer

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Michal Prokeš, Internetová síť wosa.cz

H-data, spol. s r.o., Václavská 4, 603 00 Brno
Infolinka: +420 534 001 200 Email: info@wosa.cz
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