
I am agree with it.

Such procedure didn't bring any problems in the past. But today it doesn't allow to optimize the business because of restrictions. There are many startups who need to close their business, but they cannot do it due to if they want to sell their assets the receiving party should incur additional costs and they prefer to cancel the deal. 

The NCC implemented different policies to help the new business to have enough resources, but this restriction has inverted effect.

18:24, 18 December 2018., IPLab <iplabr@yandex.ru>:
Hi all!
On the 29th of October we received the next email:
Dear RIPE NCC members,
We would like to inform you of changes relating to transfers due to a
change in business structure (e.g., mergers and acquisitions) as
specified in the new section 3.6 of ripe-709, "Transfer of Internet
Number Resources and Change of a Member’s Official Legal Name”.
Following a resolution at the Executive Board meeting on 7 September,
when an member transfers IPv4 or 16-bit ASNs that are subject to the
transfer restriction due to a change in business structure, the
transferring LIR account needs to remain open until the new 24-month
restriction on transfer of scarce resources has passed. If the receiving
party already holds an LIR account, the LIR account of the transferring
party will become an additional LIR account of the receiving party.
In effect, consolidation of LIR accounts belonging to the same member is
not possible until the 24-month restriction has passed. However, new
24-month restrictions will not be applied to these resources if they are
further transferred between LIR accounts held by the same member after
the initial restrictions have expired. This applies to all resources
transferred between LIR accounts of the same member in all situations.
This change is effective from 7 September 2018.
The section on transfers between LIR accounts belonging to the same
member is available at:
The section relating to transfers due to a change in business structure
is available at:
The minutes of the 118th Executive Board meeting are available at:
It means that the M&A (change in business structure) procedure cannot be complete, if the offering party (closed company) received the resources less than 24 months before.
But I don't really understand what for this document was implemented. The M&A procedure is the long and difficult process. More over it doesn't help to circumvent the transfer restriction policies to sell received resources.
If you go to this link
you can see that there are 309 transfers of /22 because of MERGER_OR_ACQUISITION and 3289 /22 transfers because of POLICY. (you can input merger /22 in the SEARCH field and see it by yourself). It is less than 10% from the overall transfer of /22 blocks
If you look at 185./22 transfers, you can see that the number of transfers because of MERGER_OR_ACQUISITION is 270. The total transfers of 185./22 because of POLICY is 1640. It is 14% transfers from the whole volume of transfers of 185./22.
To make my research more visual, I show the 2 tables:                                                                          
                          Total Transfers of /22
M&A transfers         Policy transfers      % of M&A transfers      
     309                           3289                            8.6%
                           Transfers of 185./22
M&A transfers         Policy transfers       % of M&A transfers      
     262                            1,638                         14.1%
                                 Total Transfers
M&A transfers           Policy transfers      % of M&A transfers
      945                             8,833                         9.7%
So, as you can see the % of M&A transfers is a little, but the ripe-709 brings many new problems and additional payments to the NCC.
Summarizing I would like to know the members opinion regarding this question. My opinion is that the NCC should refuse ripe-709, especially paragraph 3.6.

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Trusthost LLC