you go to your CFO -now- and tell them you need new equipment -now- ?!?!?!?! HELLO IPv6 support has been around since the late 1990s. if you didn't get new equipment since then , how are you still in business and not being totally rooted every other day? basically you're saying all your stuff is 16 years old. On Fri, 27 Jul 2012, LeaderTelecom Ltd. wrote:
Dear Erik,
I spoke with someone from Surfnet a while ago (they also have a /8 and a whole block of 16 bit ASN pre-RIPE) and on they question if they would return space to RIPE, their answer was : <quote>Why prolong the inevitable, we have been doing v6 for 15 years already. Everyone should do the same ...</end quote> That reasoning is very true and I do agree with it.
That is also why a charging scheme based on v4 is short lived and out-dated by the time it comes into action. The first RIPE invoice based on it, will be when the resource
And that pool won't magically grow back above it ... A charging scheme based on budget / nr of members is my prediction where
above mentioned reasons, why based it on a resource or charge for a resource
Yes, from technical point of view it is excelent answer and probably ideal way for internet. But when you goes to CFO and tell that you need new equipment - he will ask reason why you need additional investments? All works well. You can tell stories about IPv4 and IPv6... But from finance point of view it doesn't make any sense. Run IPv6 and what next? It will give you new customers? Or current cusomers will pay mode money? NOOOO! It is just extra expenses. It time when each company try to cut costs impossible to invest money in word "IPv6". But! If cost IPv4 will grow - then it will be very simple for companies to understund that chaeper will be migrate to IPv6. pool is already in the final /8. things should go for the that is gone ... To have
this discussion again in one or two years ? Please spare me ...
But RIPE must support servers, software and etc which support IPv4. And all this expenses must pay LIRs? When IPv4 will finished and new LIRs will get only IPv6 - why they must pay a huge money for support IPv4 when they will provide only IPv6? -- Alexey Ivanov LeaderTelecom Ltd.