Hello from ch.ksz (small),
we would oppose any of the current models, because we consider them
To be fair - in our opinion - a billing scheme should fulfil the
following requirements:
- continuous: No steep jumps. A LIR having allocation equivalent
to /18 should pay a bit more than a LIR having a /17.
- linear: An IP address should have a price. An LIR with a /12
allocation uses 256 times the resources of an LIR with a /20. This
should be reflected in the fee.
- cover the costs: I think the effort of RIPE is closely related
to the number of allocation requests. So each allocation should have
a (on time) fee. But this might prove impractical due to increased
billing effort.
To consider:
- Most LIRs (75%) are small or extra-small in the current
billing scheme, so most members pay less than EUR 1800 now.
- Major players pay EUR 5500 at most, which
will be less than "peanuts" for them.
So a first draft of a fair scheme - in our opinion - could look like
Every LIR pays EUR 500 base fee, for each IP you will be charged EUR
0.002. It's assumed that RIPE's effort is roughly correlating with
the logarithmic size of the allocation. So let's set the costs at
EUR 400 for each step after /22 (EUR 400 for /21, EUR 800 for /20,
This will lead to this billing scheme:
/22 EUR 502
/21 EUR 904
/20 EUR 1308
/19 EUR 1716
/18 EUR 2132
/17 EUR 2565
/16 EUR 3031
/15 EUR 3562
/14 EUR 4224
/13 EUR 5148
/12 EUR 6597
/11 EUR 9094
/10 EUR 13688
/9 EUR 22477
/8 EUR 39654
What to YOU about this idea?
Best regards,
(Christian Wittenhorst)