Dear Elad,



I was one of them who appreciated your idea and promoted, but to keep the discussion on this forum will not earn you much. You need to put this on the  table to the right forum so it can be treated seriously and healthy debate make it acceptable.


I hope you track down your path towards next stage.




Atif Naveed


From: members-discuss <> On Behalf Of Elad Cohen
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 3:09 PM
To:; 'Cynthia Revström' <>; 'Sascha Luck [ml]' <>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails




Everything that you wrote here are false and incorrect, I only responded to a person that was called an antisemitic and a racist, not by me, but by many other people in the Nanog list.




My comments below in green regarding the fallacies that you raised:






From: <>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 2:35 PM
To: Elad Cohen <>; 'Cynthia Revström' <>; 'Sascha Luck [ml]' <>
Cc: <>
Subject: RE: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails


Wow well over 100 emails over the weekend on this topic…


For the record – I have no ties to the Spamhaus project, I don’t personally use it and I can’t say I knowingly know anyone connected to the project in any material way


Elad – your behaviour and your responses continue to be inflammatory in nature (among other things) despite a good many people saying enough now. Please just stop.


Its one thing to have an opinion and air it – I would not want to prevent this from happening but its another thing entirely when


  • There is comments that “could” be considered defamatory – especially when there is limited to no evidence to prove the comment
  • You continue to harass/bully/attack other members of the list just because they don’t agree with your opinion
  • You are continuing to throw accusations around again without material evidence.
  • You are wishing to run for a position of authority which arguably calls you to a far higher standard with regards to how you put your message across


Remember you have a right to your opinion, just like we also respectively have the right not to listen to it and/or pick it apart as long as we all keep things civilised and follow the relevant good conduct guidelines in effect.


This behaviour would quite frankly get you fired at many companies so why do you consider it acceptable here? You ultimately only are making yourself look worse


To the Ripe NCC Moderators/Admin team – if there is some formal channel that I can now make my complaint known or to request at the very least an immediate moderation of Elad Cohen’s submissions to this mailing list please urgently advise. I would like to formally agree with Cynthia and others’ complaints on this matter


Back to the “idea” that triggered this particular wave of arguments, there are a huge number of fallacies with the idea


  • The required infrastructure globally would be phenomenal
  • It would also require far more systems level expertise than is realised (think database replication/caching etc) – especially when you compare this to say, operating one of the root level nameservers or AS112 or RPKI
  • It would for many place an unacceptable “single” point of failure in your proposed system
  • Who would pay for this service? How? What is the pricing model?
  • Centralising the management has issues
  • DATA protection/GPDR compliance – just because its hashed doesn’t make you any less responsible
  • Risk of hash collisions? – is this an issue to be concerned about?
  • Like Root Certificates – getting mail client vendors to update just for your system is going to be exceptionally difficult if not impossible)


Now on the matter of centralising the running of such a system is problematic, especially when you consider that this system is fundamentally a trust based system, you are relying in faith that the responsible guardians of said systems are to be trusted to act responsibly and not to the detriment of others. For some operators in the internet space there are known issues of people doing bad stuff (BGP hijacking, internet shutdowns etc) and I know of at least one RIR (not RIPE) that has not exactly operated fully within their own constitutional mandate and processes in recent times. A good friend of mine and work colleague, Andrew Alston, recently wrote a related article about trust and centralisation as it relates to RPKI - a lot of the comments made there probably equally apply to any proposed mail filtering solution.


To be totally frank – the only real way to solve the email spam problem is just to turn off email entirely and replace it with some other better architected solution, everything else is realistically a band-aid that people will find ways around.


Kind Regards

Anthony Somerset


From: members-discuss <> On Behalf Of Elad Cohen
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 12:59 PM
To: Cynthia Revström <>; Sascha Luck [ml] <>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails




The sick person which you are referring to and is your colleague from "The Spamhaus Project", defamed me for many many months, here in Ripe and in Nanog, he called me by many names without a single proof. He was called an antisemitic and a  racist not by me - but by people which are not related to me in Nanog. After many months I provided an official response in Ripe. I didn't hear your voice when he defamed me for many many months with him calling me by many names. So obviously your interests are hidden.


In the other working groups - I only replied to him, and I didn't hear your voice regarding your sick colleague initial message with name callings towards me when I only replied to his attack on me. And his personal attack on me is exactly like your personal attack on me now - you are afraid that an alternative solution to "The Spamhaus Project" will be implemented if I will be elected.




From: members-discuss <> on behalf of Cynthia Revström <>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 1:50 PM
To: Sascha Luck [ml] <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails


> The RIPE *NCC* has no business either enforcing "professionality"
on the *community* mailing lists - this is the WG chairs'


AFAIK there are no WG chairs of members-discuss and members-discuss is a mailing list that the RIPE NCC hosts to let RIPE NCC members discuss RIPE NCC membership related topics, so I think they certainly have business enforcing people to be professional on this mailing list.


I would also like to add that Elad has multiple times on different mailing lists ignored the WG chairs.

Also this is happening across a variety of RIPE/RIPE NCC mailing lists that are all hosted by the RIPE NCC and as such I think it is their business to keep them to a professional standard.


> If I'm wrong, where do

I submit the list of people I'd like to see excluded from the


There should not be a long list of people, but when someone is behaving unprofessionally, calling people "coconut", being defamatory towards the RIPE NCC, ignoring WG chairs, I do think that they have gone too far and everything has a limit.

Like we wouldn't allow someone to send sales emails to the mailing list as an example, aka limits on what is allowed.


- Cynthia


On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:43 PM Sascha Luck [ml] <> wrote:

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:02:59AM +0200, Cynthia Revstrm wrote:
>I would like to propose that the RIPE NCC ban Elad Cohen from interacting
>with the RIPE Community (via Meetings or mailing lists) due to his blatant
>disregard for the Code of Conduct and for being hostile towards others in
>the community. As the RIPE NCC hosts and manages these lists I think the
>RIPE NCC has a responsibility to keep the lists professional and to remove
>those who repeatedly ignore what the WG chairs are saying.

The RIPE *NCC* has no business either enforcing "professionality"
on the *community* mailing lists - this is the WG chairs'
responsibility. Nor do I think the NCC should determine who can
be a member of the RIPE community or not. If I'm wrong, where do
I submit the list of people I'd like to see excluded from the
I think this proposal is the most out-of-order thing I've yet
seen in this thread.

Sascha Luck

>- Cynthia

>members-discuss mailing list

members-discuss mailing list