Ed is lying, I'm not harassing him or anyone else off the list, Ed is the one keep emailing me directly when I asked him to stop doing it.


From: Ed Campbell
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 4:47 PM
To: Elad Cohen
Cc: Chris Lawrence; Cynthia Revström; members-discuss@ripe.net
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails


This guy doesn’t know how to shut up. I would not normally do this but he is harassing me directly “off-list” and “off-topic”.

The unprofessional approach he has taken to his responses should be enough to turn anyone away from him but he is now harassing me when asked not to.

I have made an official complaint against him and will let the NCC deal with him.

Kind regards, 

On 27 Apr 2020, at 14:43, Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io> wrote:


This wasn't my conversation, this was my response to an attack on me.

Take your fake messages off the list.


From: Chris Lawrence <chris.lawrence@nomical.com>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 3:44 PM
To: Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io>; Cynthia Revström <me@cynthia.re>; members-discuss@ripe.net <members-discuss@ripe.net>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails


Enough now this is beyond a joke.. Please take your conversations off the list.






Chris Lawrence
Senior Solutions Architect
+44 344 384 3000
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From: members-discuss <members-discuss-bounces@ripe.net> on behalf of Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io>
Date: Monday, 27 April 2020 at 13:43
To: Cynthia Revström <me@cynthia.re>, "members-discuss@ripe.net" <members-discuss@ripe.net>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails


This is amazing how the illegal anonymous "The Spamhaus Project" members keep twisting the facts.




Zero evidence was provided, not even a single proof, but still you claim "lots of evidence"


I didn't say that anyone is part of "The Spamhaus Project" because disagree with me, I said that anyone is part of the illegal anonymous organization "The Spamhaus Project" because he is part of the illegal anonymous organization "The Spamhaus Project" - see how much you are personally targeting me - see how much you are protecting your sick friend RFG.


Please don't interpret me - coconut means coconut - RFG is a coconut by anyone that knows him personally.


Here is what your sick friend wrote:


https://imgur.com/AcmgwEX (his opinion on all Dutch people as a whole - "Dutch are any more inclined toward cybercrime")
https://imgur.com/WUZvdNJ (his opinion on all Colombian Network Operators usage of the internet as a whole - "Undoubtedly drug smuggling over HTTP")
https://imgur.com/a/1ULfVEC (his opinion on the City of Chicago including all of its citizens as a whole - "American city most known for its high ideals and consistantely ethical behavior, Chicago")
https://imgur.com/AQCmZlk (RFG being identified as racist in Nanog)
https://imgur.com/a/Rzrbxkz (RFG being identified as antisemitic in Nanog)


RFG called me in two names that one of them you wrote, you can keep with your lies and to defend a racist and an antisemitic person - but there is something which is called context, you can see in the first link above that RFG quoted Shakespeare regarding the Netherlands, when he called me in the name that you mentioned he did it after not providing not even a single proof against me and he specially used that name - which also in Shakespeare being referred to jews - you are defending a person which is a racist and an antisemitic according to all the above links.



From: Cynthia Revström <me@cynthia.re>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 2:50 PM
To: Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io>; members-discuss@ripe.net <members-discuss@ripe.net>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails


Hi Elad, 


There are 3 major differences I see here,


1. rfg presents lots of evidence that you would have been involved in shady things (I am not sure if they are true and frankly I don't have time currently to look at all of the documents)
Meanwhile you are saying that people are part of "The illegal anonymous Spamhaus Project" just because they disagree with you, and as you have said that I am involved in Spamhaus, I would like for you to give me any proof that I am involved with spamhaus in any way (which I am not).


2. rfg called you a "crook", which means dishonest or illegal, which would be true if the things rfg stated are in fact true. Meanwhile you called rfg a "coconut" which can't be anything other than an insult referring to you thinking he is dumb.


3. rfg called you a "crook" once in a long email after describing why he thinks you are a "crook", meanwhile you sent an email that I have posted in its entirety below.


Ronald didn't insult me because he is mentally-illed, and he is doing it only because I found out who are the real people behind the illegal anonymous organization "The Spamhaus Project" which Coconut Guilmette and Cheerleader Nussbacher are part of.


Please just stop it Elad.


Now I still think it was wrong of rfg to use that word, but it is not at all the same thing in my eyes.


- Cynthia


On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 1:36 PM Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io> wrote:


These are all complete lies only because I found out who are the real people behind "The Spamhaus Project"


You can see how he is calling me there


Everything there are lies and fake, the "source" for the fake media report is a member of "The Spamhaus Project" and also an employee of a direct competitor (that enjoyed from that fake media report) of a company which used the netblock, and the "source" is also the owner of that criminal twitter account:https://twitter.com/UnderTheBreach , he is a master of cyber influence operations according to his own words in his criminal twitter account and also a member of your cyber-security community.



From: Cynthia Revström <me@cynthia.re>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 2:14 PM
To: Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io>
Cc: members-discuss@ripe.net <members-discuss@ripe.net>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails


Elad, please send me an archive link to the specific email on a RIPE/RIPE NCC mailing list where RFG called you a rude name.


- Cynthia


On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 1:12 PM Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io> wrote:
He called me with antisemitic names many times and on many working groups and you said nothing, you claim not to see his messages, but you clearly saw all of my messages and you are monitoring me pretty well. I'm sorry but I don't believe you, specially when you are attacking me personally so heavily with distorting the facts. You clearly so the word coconut - so you also saw what I shared on the same post that he wrote on other groups of people and that he was called a racist and an antisemitic - but you decided to ignore this as well, so you didn't read my whole post - you read only the word 'coconut' and you decided to jump in ?


Cynthia, please spread your lies somewhere else.



From: Cynthia Revström <me@cynthia.re>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 2:05 PM
To: Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io>
Cc: members-discuss@ripe.net <members-discuss@ripe.net>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails


Elad, first of all, I am not an employee or in any way related to Spamhaus, and I doubt many of the people you have suggested are part of it have anything to do with it either.


And because I have things to do that are not spending my entire days on RIPE mailing lists I guess I missed RFG calling you names, but I will assure you that if I was on those discussions I would call him out if he called you a "coconut" or similar.
Also just because someone has called you names on mailing lists doesn't mean you get to call them names on mailing lists.


- Cynthia


On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:58 PM Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io> wrote:


The sick person which you are referring to and is your colleague from "The Spamhaus Project", defamed me for many many months, here in Ripe and in Nanog, he called me by many names without a single proof. He was called an antisemitic and a  racist not by me - but by people which are not related to me in Nanog. After many months I provided an official response in Ripe. I didn't hear your voice when he defamed me for many many months with him calling me by many names. So obviously your interests are hidden.


In the other working groups - I only replied to him, and I didn't hear your voice regarding your sick colleague initial message with name callings towards me when I only replied to his attack on me. And his personal attack on me is exactly like your personal attack on me now - you are afraid that an alternative solution to "The Spamhaus Project" will be implemented if I will be elected.



From: members-discuss <members-discuss-bounces@ripe.net> on behalf of Cynthia Revström <me@cynthia.re>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 1:50 PM
To: Sascha Luck [ml] <ripe-md@c4inet.net>
Cc: members-discuss@ripe.net <members-discuss@ripe.net>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails


> The RIPE *NCC* has no business either enforcing "professionality"
on the *community* mailing lists - this is the WG chairs'


AFAIK there are no WG chairs of members-discuss and members-discuss is a mailing list that the RIPE NCC hosts to let RIPE NCC members discuss RIPE NCC membership related topics, so I think they certainly have business enforcing people to be professional on this mailing list.


I would also like to add that Elad has multiple times on different mailing lists ignored the WG chairs.
Also this is happening across a variety of RIPE/RIPE NCC mailing lists that are all hosted by the RIPE NCC and as such I think it is their business to keep them to a professional standard.


> If I'm wrong, where do
I submit the list of people I'd like to see excluded from the


There should not be a long list of people, but when someone is behaving unprofessionally, calling people "coconut", being defamatory towards the RIPE NCC, ignoring WG chairs, I do think that they have gone too far and everything has a limit.
Like we wouldn't allow someone to send sales emails to the mailing list as an example, aka limits on what is allowed.


- Cynthia


On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:43 PM Sascha Luck [ml] <ripe-md@c4inet.net> wrote:
On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:02:59AM +0200, Cynthia Revstrm wrote:
>I would like to propose that the RIPE NCC ban Elad Cohen from interacting
>with the RIPE Community (via Meetings or mailing lists) due to his blatant
>disregard for the Code of Conduct and for being hostile towards others in
>the community. As the RIPE NCC hosts and manages these lists I think the
>RIPE NCC has a responsibility to keep the lists professional and to remove
>those who repeatedly ignore what the WG chairs are saying.

The RIPE *NCC* has no business either enforcing "professionality"
on the *community* mailing lists - this is the WG chairs'
responsibility. Nor do I think the NCC should determine who can
be a member of the RIPE community or not. If I'm wrong, where do
I submit the list of people I'd like to see excluded from the
I think this proposal is the most out-of-order thing I've yet
seen in this thread.

Sascha Luck 

>- Cynthia

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