
On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 11:44 AM, Paolo Di Francesco <paolo.difrancesco@level7.it> wrote:

2) the bigger is the LIR, i.e. the more revenues it gets in the telco
market, the more it should pay. This is not so related to "resources
consumption" but to a more logic and ethical issue regarding the duties
that each of us should have in front of the community. I do not see why
a small company or a start up should pay as much as a Telco whose
revenues are billions per year. If we state that "we pay all the same"
then we are not talking of a community, we are going against the basic
idea of a community where each one should contribute for what you have.

It is communism or socialism or whatever... Anyway I do not agree that somebody is better than I am (or my company is) to pay less than I have to pay for the same services to the regional monopoly.

(Please note that I work for an organization which has the RIPE NCC contribution category Small.)


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Tomáš Hlaváček
IGNUM s.r.o. | Vinohradská 190 | Praha 3 | 130 61
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