Charging more for companies owns more resources is greatly fair because they have LOTbigger incomes that simple /22 company.

Another positive effect would be freeing ipv4 resources by such companies (to reduce ripe costs), which grabbed lot of /16 years back, and their penetration of such blocks is not great often. They should reanalyze their ipv4 resources, implement cgnat when possible, and free as much as they can, or pay.

So RIPE budget would be better balanced, fees would be more fair (300e per account), and bigger companies would think about freeing their resources and putting them back onto ripe pool, for companies need them really.

This is something we everyone should push and proceed, though preferable marketing actions towards all ripe members may be needed.

Another option is surely to cut stupid costs... cmon maintaining finite database consuming so much money? Traveling?

Some kind of REVOLUTION should be organized by us.
Something should be done to activize passive members.

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W dniu 9 mar 2023, o 14:56, użytkownik ivaylo <> napisał:

Nor scheme 1 nor scheme 2 are good and fair. Scheme 2 is litle step in the
right direction but still far from from what must be.

By IANA public documents delegated resources to RIPE are:

688128 IPV4 /22 blocks
2131972 IPV6 /32 blocks
42882 ASN

By official data RIPE LIRs are 22500

If constant yearly fee for each LIR is 300 euro, and charge 15 EURO for
each block and ASN the LIRs holds (on /22 IPV4, /32 IPV6, and 1 ASN)

RIPE will collect:

22500 * 300 = 6 750 000 EURO
(688128+2131972+42882)*15 = 42 944 730 EURO

SUM: 49 694 730 EURO (nearly 50 milions)

Which seems more than enough RIPE to function normally !

On yearly basis RIPE can revisit member taxes depending if are collected
more or less money and to ask for increase of constant LIR taxes (300 euro)
or to return back money to LIRs (as RIPE done it up to 2021)

That will be fair charging scheme for me. As more resources you hold, as
bigger your organisation is, as more you have to pay.

Ivaylo Josifov
VarnaIX / Varteh LTD
Varna, Bulgaria

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