Must be some joke (i hope at least).

Russia does not have staff needs available unless you pay excessive (skilled are in fact leaving anyway, we have a bunch of Russians working from Cyprus nowadays), Russia is not politically stable (a stable autocracy is not politically stable overall) and the currency fluctuates between basically worthless and entirely worthless.
Government control is excessive, freedom of business is low, growth is low, legal security is nil.... plus one more round of UN sanctions could cut off any RIPE member from paying invoices entirely.

Russia is in no way suitable for RIPE (and in fact, Bulgaria has less tax than Russia anyway + a much more simple tax system + EU).

In case of no joke... after speaking with some LIRs we'll boycott any attempts to move the NCC out of the EU and i assume from the statutes this requires a full member vote which is extremely unlikely to pass for Russia (or in practice anyone else).

William Weber

On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 01:39, Aleksey Bulgakov <> wrote:

AFAIK, social charges paid by the employer in NL are around 28%, so it's less than 3000 euros per month per staff member of income.
And that's before social charges paid by the employee (18%), so it's less than 2500€ of net income per staff.

I would not judge if that's high or low in NL, but that's not 4000€

So, we can move the RIPE office to another country, with less salary numbers. E.g. there are the salary numbers approximately 1500€ in Russia, including tax 13%. With social tax 30% the salary numbers are 2000€ in Moscow. 

What do you think about it? Me and my colleagues, who wrote here earlier, are ready to help the community with relocation.