Dear Members,

Please help what better to do in this case. We have allocated PA. From this space we Assigned PA to customer. Customer has own AS and he created routes. Route objects doesn't have our mnt-by. He has another carrier.

The customer to which we have assiged PA space sending a lot of mails to Hotmail. We are receiving thousands complains per day from Hotmail. We suggested to block this IPs for Hotmail. They tell that it can be done only in automatic mode when hotmail will receive many complains for this IPs.  We already found IPs in some black lists.

RIPE position in this case.
While routes doesn't have RIPE mnt record - they can't do anything. Routes should be removed by our ex customer. 

Ex customer position.
He won't remove routes until we will return money back. And tell us that he doesn't send any e-mails - all was made by his customers. In our agreement written that we don't return money back in this case. And if we will return money back - anyway we don't have any warranty of removing routes.

1. How can we restrict using this routes right now?
2. How can we remove wrong routes (see an example bellow)?

Additional information:
Example of route:

route:           xx.xx.xx.0/24
descr:           route for xxxxxxxxxxx
origin:          asYYYY
mnt-by:          zzzzz-mnt
source:          RIPE # Filtered

- xx.xx.xx.0/24 - IPs from our allocation (Assigned PA).
- ASyyyy - AS our ex customer.
- zzzzz-mnt - MNT of our ex customer.

Alexey Ivanov
General Director
LeaderTelecom Ltd.