
This is my first post to the mailing list and I only did it because you guys are flooding my mailbox. This doesn’t look like a group of professionals, its looking like my kid’s school Whatsapp group.
I have to agree with Mr. Hans Govenius, I don’t know Elad or are technical enough to speak  on the matter but what I know and experienced is that existing IPv6 is worse than theoretical IPv4+. It was launched several years ago with bells and whistles but was managed poorly and years later big companies ended up with 1 digit subnets while small ones had to come with justifications over justifications.
IPv6 was implemented by RIPE so well that their own employees left be became brokers (isn’t that like insider trading?). We are now left with a marketplace to buy or sell IPs which is ridiculous because  when you transfer an IP range it must not be in use, so how the hell can someone transfer a /16 or  more ( if its not in use, means you are not using it, aren’t u supposed to give it back to RIPE?). Transfers should have only been allowed if entire LIR/company was bought, which makes more sense.
So in conclusion IPv6 might be the future but it was never a solution, it’s even worse that this IPv4+. So far IPv4+ did not make IPv4 prices reach the sky, now-a-days it costs more to expand a subnet than to upgrade a router.

On 27 Apr 2020, at 06:39, Ed Campbell <campbell@inca.ie> wrote:

I support this. He has taken to emailing me directly with his conspiracy theories. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 26 Apr 2020, at 23:04, Cynthia Revström <me@cynthia.re> wrote:


I would like to request that Elad Cohen be blocked from sending to the members-discuss mailing lists after multiple offtopic threads started by Elad and the personal attacks and ignoring WG chairs telling Elad to stop.

I would further like to point out that as he is a confirmed candidate for the Exec Board, one of his key responsibilities would be to have the "Ability to communicate effectively", which he has shown that he is not capable of.
I would personally say that elad lacks most of the expectations listed on https://www.ripe.net/about-us/executive-board/ripe-ncc-executive-board-functions-and-expectations.

I would like to propose that the RIPE NCC ban Elad Cohen from interacting with the RIPE Community (via Meetings or mailing lists) due to his blatant disregard for the Code of Conduct and for being hostile towards others in the community. As the RIPE NCC hosts and manages these lists I think the RIPE NCC has a responsibility to keep the lists professional and to remove those who repeatedly ignore what the WG chairs are saying.

- Cynthia
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